Week commencing 25th January

Good morning,
This week we will be writing instructions for making carrot cake.
Hopefully you’ll have been able to make one but if not watch the video so you know the process. On Monday we have some guided reading activities but if you want to use today to make your cake then do that instead! From Tuesday to Thursday you will have a set of tasks to complete to help you write your instructions. We’ll look at the key features of instruction writing and there’ll be time to add some pictures to your finished piece too.
On Friday there is a SPaG lesson on contractions.
- The Tale of Benjamin Bunny (Watch from 13 mins onwards)
- Teacher read version of Benjamin Bunny
- Tuesday – Phonics – Plurals
- Tuesday – Making carrot cake video
- Wednesday – Writing the introduction recorded lesson
- Friday – contractions
- Monday - Carrot Cake recipe
- Monday - Benjamin Bunny slides
- Monday - Benjamin Bunny worksheet
- Tuesday - Phonics - Plurals -s and -es
- Tuesday - Phonics worksheet
- Tuesday - Planning your instructions
- Tuesday - Example of pictures
- Tuesday - Wordbank
- Wednesday - Phonics - Plurals y-ies
- Wednesday - Phonics wordsearch
- Wednesday - Writing the introduction (video at the top)
- Thursday - Phonics - Plurals practise
- Thursday - Writing your instructions
- Friday - Contractions slides
- Friday - Contractions worksheet