Week commencing 1st March 2021

Good afternoon,
This week in RE we are starting our new topic on Salvation. We’ll be focusing on answering our Key question for this half term: Why is Easter important to Christians? We’ll think about some of the things associated with Easter and then reflect on whether these are really the truly important things about Easter or is it something deeper?
For French on Tuesday we will be revising counting to 10 in French. The children did do this at the beginning of the Autumn term, but will need some revision. There is a BBC Bitesize lesson link on French numbers to 10. Watch from about 13 minutes (there is also a lesson on shape at the start if you want to watch the whole thing!). There is a song to watch to help them learn their numbers . There are then various options for activities to complete. Try to complete at least two of the activities, if not more.
As part of our geography based Lake District topic we will be learning about human and physical features this week. There is a BBC Bitesize link and slides with lots of examples to explain what these features are. The children then have two tasks to complete; one sorting activity and then a walk to allow them to apply their new knowledge to the world around them.
For Science on Thursday we will be continuing our series of lessons looking at animals and humans. This week our focus is on why hygiene is important for humans. There is another Oak Academy lesson link below which the children will be able to watch independently. There is a sheet to go alongside the lesson. This year, good hygiene has been more important than ever, so the children should find this lesson very relevant and interesting hopefully. There is also a link to a BBC Teach True Story of Florence Nightingale who is mentioned as part of the lesson today. We have watched these videos in school and the children are always captivated. Definitely worth a watch!
- Monday – RE The real meaning of Easter (watch during the lesson)
- Tuesday – French numbers to 10 lesson BBC Bitesize Iplayer. From 13.11 min.
- Tuesday – French numbers to 10 song
- Tuesday – French practice saying numbers to 10
- Wednesday – Geography Human and physical features BBC Bitesize
- Thursday – Science – Oak National Academy lesson – Hygiene
- Thursday – Science – Florence Nightingale True Stories from BBC Teach.
- Monday - RE - Why is Easter important?
- Monday - RE task
- Tuesday - Match the French word to the number
- Tuesday - French numbers to 10 crossword
- Tuesday - French numbers to 10 matching game
- Tuesday - French numbers to 10 wordsearch
- Wednesday - Geography - Human and physical features
- Wednesday - Geography task 1
- Wednesday - Geography task 2
- Thursday - The importance of hygiene - sheet for Oak Academy lesson
- Friday - Landscape art