Year Four Working from Home Archive 2022

Comments page
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Learning at home
Whilst your child is learning from home due to Lockdown, there will be a daily Teams meeting with your child’s class teacher and teaching assistant. You have previously been given information on how to access this. The morning meeting will commence at 9:10am to outline the day and provide any clarifications with learning. The afternoon meeting will be at 2:10pm to discuss the day and provide support with any misconceptions.
We are also providing weekly ‘drop in’ sessions to support your child’s learning whilst at home. These sessions will happen over Teams on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, 11:00-11:30am. If your child needs additional support, further clarifications or explanations of concepts; they can access Teams at the given times to speak to a year 4 teacher.
There will be daily English and maths lessons which will be uploaded to this section of our Year 4 website each week. We have also included Topic, RE, PE and Science lessons so children are able to access the foundation subjects of our curriculum. A minimum of 6 pieces of work must be returned each week to your class teacher via our year 4 email. Miss Hickey and Miss Lillington will provide expectations for quantity and quality and feedback for next steps will be given.
If you would like any further support or guidance with the activities, or how else best to support your child, please contact us via email: and we will get back to you with ideas as soon as possible.
Many thanks,
Miss Hickey and Miss Lillington
Suggested timetable for home learning
We appreciate home learning is different for everyone depending on your family and work circumstances at the moment. Any work you can do is going to be beneficial for you children – we would prioritise reading and number facts. We have put together a proposed timetable, so if you have children in different year groups and are wanting to provide some structure to your day, you can use it for guidance. However, please do regard it as guidance and do what works for you.
Additional timetable for home learning in Year 4
We have included a more thorough timetable below which might help you and your child with home learning. It provides detail about additional Phonics and Spellings practice and also provides detail for afternoon learning.
Children’s Mental Health Week – w/c 1st February 2021
- Parent Information – Children’s Mental Health Week 2021
- Click here for Children’s Mental Health Week 2021 daily activities
Weekly maths lessons, teaching slides and videos will be provided below. Please also encourage your child to continue to use Mathletics and TT Rockstars to support their times tables fluency. We have also provided additional times tables resources below to support your child’s times tables learning.
- Week 6 Properties of Shape
- Statistics
- Knowledge Organisers
- Times Tables
- Calculation Practice
- Maths Challenges
- Week Six
- Week Seven
- SPaG
- Fronted Adverbials Booklet
- Pronouns Booklet
- Summer English Activity Booklet
- Handwriting
- Phonics
- English Challenges
Reading Comprehension
For additional reading resources, there are some free ebooks on Oxford Owl – you will need to register but it is free to do so which follow the same levels as the books we use in school and they have an audio option that will read each page aloud.
- Ancient Egypt Reading Comprehension and Questions
- Ancient Egyptian Gods Reading Comprehension and Questions
- Cleopatra Reading Comprehension and Questions
- Howard Carter Reading Comprehension and Questions
- Life in Ancient Egypt Reading Comprehension and Questions
- The Story of Osiris eBook
- Tutankhamuns Tomb Reading Comprehension
- 60 Second Reads
- Archive
- Ancient Egypt Map Quiz
- Ancient Egypt Map Quiz – Answers
- Archaeology and Finding Evidence
- Drawing of the Artefact
- Pharaohs
- Pharaoh Headdress
- Using Shape and Lines for Effect – Egypt Scene
- Egyptian fashion
- Egyptian Gods and Goddesses
- Lesson One
- Lesson Two
- Lesson Three
- Lesson Four
- Lesson Five
- Lesson Six
- Lesson Seven
- Lesson Eight
- Lesson Nine
- Lesson Ten
We have been provided with a series of lessons from ArfForms to support you with music whilst learning from home. Take a look at the links below:
- The Human Drum Kit
- We Will Rock You
- African Cup Rhythms
- Three New Grooves
- Composing and layering
- Stomp and Clap
- Mountain King
- Leeds Rhino Challenges
- Cosmic Kids Yoga
- GoNoodle Dance Workouts
- Joe Wicks Daily Workouts
10 minute shake ups – Disney new 10 minute shake up games!
BBC Supermovers – move while you learn.
- Yoga and Mindfulness
- Active Leeds Ready Set Rainbow competition link – closing date end of Feb half term
- Maths on the Move challenge sheet
- Move at Home Romans Workout
Supporting Collective Worship at home
Whilst we are away from school, we wanted to make sure our pupils and families still have the opportunity to take part and worship together. There will be a weekly video from Mrs Swann, a member of our Holy Trinity Church family and additional links which can be used to support Collective Worship at home.