Cookridge Holy Trinity
Church of England (VA) Primary School

The Best For Every Child -
a Unique Child of God.

Green Lane, Cookridge Leeds, LS16 7EZ
Telephone: 0113 2253 040

Year 6 Spring 1- Week 5

Week Five

Hello everyone,

Thank you again for working so hard and adapting to all the changes. The suggested timetable is still attached below, remember that this is suggested so you do not have to do exactly as it says, but the work should be completed.

This week is Children’s Mental Health Week so a lot of our tasks in the afternoon will be based around this.

Remember that we will be meeting every morning at 8.30am and 1.30pm as usual. From this week, we will also be running an extra call at 11.35am that will be a drop-in to help. You do not have to join this but it may help some of you.

Don’t forget, the Maths can be submitted via Assignments on Teams (we will look at that all but give more feedback on at least 2 pieces) and we will also ask for some pieces of English/Afternoon activities submitting through assignments but we will give you prior warning to this as per the newsletter. ?

As always, do your best with it.

Thank you.

Mr March and Mr Clarke

Suggested Timetable for Year 6

Below is the timetable that we have created to give you some structure. This does not have to be followed exactly and is just a guide for those of you who need it ?

Download (DOCX, 17KB)

Children’s Mental Health Week

There is an assembly to watch at 9am on Monday, just follow this link: Mental Health Week Assembly link (Click Here)

Download (PPTX, 1.08MB)

Supporting Collective Worship at Home

Whilst we are away from school, we wanted to make sure our pupils and families still have the opportunity to take part and worship together. There will be a weekly video from Mrs Swann, a member of our Holy Trinity Church family and additional links which can be used to support Collective Worship at home.

Click here for Collective Worship


The links to the sheets are now on Teams, remember that they are at the top under the assignments tab. We will be uploading each day so that you do not get confused which sheet to do. We also are setting them as assignments so we can see your work.

Use the link to access the videos:

Once you have done that, there are extension tasks to have a go at, as well as Mathletics for you to do any of the tasks in the areas you are still unsure about.



Have a look at the spellings below and learn them. Get your parents to test you at some point this week on them:

Download (DOCX, 17KB)

English reading / written task

This week we are going to have a focus on poetry.

Monday slides:

Download (PDF, 8.58MB)

Tuesday slides:

Download (PDF, 8.74MB)

Wednesday slides:

Download (PDF, 5.72MB)

Download (DOCX, 106KB)

The Jabberwocky: 

Download (DOCX, 20KB)

Use this link to find out about nonsense poetry:

Use this link to watch a reading of ‘The Jabberwocky’ poem:

Thursday slides:

Read through the main slides first. Then look through the poems when it asks you to. Your final task is underneath so solve the RIC carefully.

Main Slides:

Download (PDF, 2.21MB)

Poems to Read Through:

Download (PPTX, 729KB)

RIC Task:

Download (DOCX, 56KB)

Friday slides:

Your task today is to create your own poem about lockdown using some of the features we have discussed this week.

Download (PDF, 2.39MB)

Art Lesson  (Monday afternoon)

Have a look at the slides below, they are all activities that are based around mindfulness and art combined. Make sure you upload your photos to assignments for us to have a look at them 🙂

Download (PPTX, 5.42MB)

PSHE Lesson 1 (Tuesday afternoon)

Today you will be looking through the slides below which are all about our metal health and the things we can do to help keep it positive. Read through what it is asking you to do (we will go through together on Tuesday afternoon if you are stuck) and your task is to create a mental well-being booklet.

Download (PPTX, 7.54MB)

Link on how to create a mini booklet

PSHE Lesson 2 (Wednesday afternoon)

Lesson 2 is all about your image and perception of things which again can affect our mental well-being. Read through the slides and complete the task on the video link:

Download (PPTX, 1.72MB)

Click here for video for lesson

Music (Thursday)

There are two tasks for music, choose one of them and have a go. You might want to do both, which again is absolutely fine. The first is a YouTube video link; the second a PowerPoint put together by Art Forms.

We Will Rock You Rhythm (Click here)

Download (PPTX, 1.3MB)

Computing (Thursday afternoon)

Today you will be beginning a Pixel Art project that will build towards ‘Safer Internet Day’ next Tuesday 9th February. This is all around how to stay safe online but also how to look after your own mental well-being whilst online.

Download (PPTX, 22.15MB)

WAGOLL for Pixel Art

Download (XLSX, 15KB)

PE/Mindfulness (Friday)

Head into your garden and get a bit of exercise. If you do not want to be outside, have a look at some of the videos from the links below which contain a mix of yoga/mindfulness/active lifestyle suggestions:

Now get creative and produce your own exercise plan. Use some of the ideas that you find in the links above and also any ideas of your own. You can use this template or, even better, show you plan in a more artistic, creative way.

Download (DOCX, 17KB)