Year 3 working from home 2020/2021


Here is the work to complete while you are not in school. Please try to do as much as you can but don’t worry if you can’t get it all done. We will set daily English and Maths lessons as well as an afternoon Science, Topic, Art or RE lesson. Try to spend at least one afternoon getting active and doing some PE, there are lots of suggestions at the bottom of this page.

If you have any questions or would like to get in touch then please contact us via  or leave a comment on the year 3 message board. Alongside your school work, remember to keep reading as much as possible as well as practicing your times tables on TT RockStars or hit the button.

Remember that we will be meeting every morning from Wednesday 6th  January at 9.30am on Microsoft Teams and then at 2.30pm to talk through the work and go through anything you might have found tricky. We are also running a meeting everyday at 10:30am to go through the English work and support you with your learning.

See you all soon,

Mr. Wilkinson and Miss Russell

Suggested timetable for home learning in Year 3

We appreciate home learning is different for everyone depending on your family and work circumstances but any work you can do is going to be beneficial for you children – we would prioritise maths and English. We have put together a proposed timetable below which might help you and your child with home learning.

Year 3 timetable


Spring 2 Week 1

Spring 2 Week 2

Year 3 times tables practise


Spring 2 week 1

Spring 2 Week 2

Handwriting resources 


For additional reading resources, there are some free ebooks on Oxford Owl – you will need to register but it is free to do so which follow the same levels as the books we use in school and they have an audio option that will read each page aloud.

World Book Day – Thursday 4th March 2021

We are putting dressing up on hold for this year, however there are still lots of ways to get involved in World Book Day this year:

The Masked Reader!

School events

Watch live events with authors talking about their books

Take part in an author and illustrator academy session

Enter the World Book Day share your story competition (separate from the school one)

Afternoon work

Topic work 


RE Work

Art Work



There are lots of great ideas across the internet to keep kids active at home and we have provided links to these below such as Joe Wicks workouts and Cosmic Yoga. However, these are not physical education lessons, and we all know the importance of physical education to a child’s development and self-confidence. Therefore we will provide 2 links to Physical Education lessons here. Learning and practicing the fundamental skills of agility, balance, coordination and strength are so important.
  1. The department for education have recommended the Yorkshire Sport Foundation #ThisisPE campaign


Here you find some pictures showing what year three have been up to while learning from home

Fun in the snow