Week commencing 8th February

Good afternoon,
This week our RE lesson is all about prayer. You’ll be thinking about how, when and why we prayer. There is then a craft activity to complete at the end.
Tuesday 9th February is Safer Internet Day 2021 with this year’s theme being ‘An internet we trust: exploring reliability in the online world’. We want you to have a look at the information on the websites and PDFs that we have uploaded – especially the Safer Internet Day PDF. There is then a story link to watch about ‘Detective Digiduck’ which focusses on the reliability of online information. Following on from that, there is a sheet uploaded which can be completed once you have watched the story. The discussion is the important part today. There are a couple of other story PDFs too if you want to read those to your children, plus there is a wordsearch to complete.
We are also carrying on with geography and map work this week. You have a task that will probably take you both Wednesday and Friday afternoon. We’d like you to create a messy map of Mr McGregor’s garden (see examples on the slides) and then use compass directions to write instructions about getting around your garden.
Thursday is Science and this week we are learning about why exercise is important for humans (Oak Academy lesson – link below). You might want to put your PE kit or other work out gear on for this lesson as there will be some exercising involved! You will also need a stopwatch as part of the lesson. You may want to follow up on the Oak Academy lesson up with a Joe Wicks workout or similar now that you know why exercise is so important (link also below).
Friday is also Chinese New Year. We have uploaded the story PowerPoint if you want to read about it.
Monday – RE God’s story: Prayer
- Monday – RE How do we pray?
- Monday – RE The power of prayer – story (linked to shoebox appeal)
- Tuesday – Detective Digiduck story – Youtube
- Tuesday – Detective Digiduck story e-book
- Tuesday – Internet Safety ‘thinkuknow’ link for parents and children
- Tuesday – Online Internet Safety advice for parents
- Wednesday – Follow the directions compass points game
- Thursday – Why is exercise so important? Oak Academy science lesson link
- Thursday – link to Joe Wicks workout
- Friday – The story of Chinese New Year
- Friday – Gong hei fat choy – song
- Friday – Dragon dance
- Monday - RE - Prayer
- Monday - RE prayer examples
- Tuesday - Safer Internet Day - 9th February 2021
- Tuesday - Detective Duck worksheet to go with the video link
- Tuesday - Buddy the Dog Internet Safety discussion story
- Tuesday - Traditional Tales Internet Safety discussion scenarios
- Tuesday - Internet Safety Wordsearch
- Wednesday - Geography - Making maps
- Wednesday - Geography worksheet
- Thursday - Science - Why is exercise so important? worksheet
- Friday - Geography extension task worksheet (optional)
- Friday - Chinese New Year story
- Friday - Make a Chinese Dragon
- Friday - Dragon template 1
- Friday - Dragon template 2
- Friday - Dragon template 3