Week commencing 22nd February

This week in RE we’ll be exploring our new Christian value of forgiveness. There’s lots of questions to think or talk about and an activity based around thinking how forgivable some actions might or might not be. For the activity children may just want to create a line on the table or floor, they don’t have to stick the cards into a book or anything.

Tuesday is PSHE and this week we are continuing to look at the differences between males and females and this time male and female children. We will talk about the body parts which are the same on both male and female children and make a list of as many as we can think of. Then we will learn the scientific vocabulary for the main biological differences between male and female children. There is some discussion on the lesson slides and then a labelling sheet to complete which won’t take long.

On Wednesday we’ll be starting our Lake District topic with a big focus on geography this half term. Today we’ll be looking at some geographical vocabulary which we’ll be using over the next few weeks. There’s a matching activity to complete at the end to make sure you know what all the words mean.

This week in Science on Thursday we will be continuing to look at the sequence of lessons on Human Lifestyles. This week’s lesson fits in with our PSHE topic really nicely as well. We will be looking at how our bodies change as we get older, the different stages of life and the differences in each stage of development. There is an Oak Academy lesson that the children can watch independently (link below). At the end of the lesson she talks the children really clearly through how to draw their own Timeline. This is a good activity for them to do so that they are following instructions and learning how to draw Timelines (which we use in history too). There is a LO sheet below to complete it on if you wish. We’ve also attached a cut and stick version of the Timeline activity, but please only do this one if you’re pushed for time. We’d prefer the children to draw their own as it’s good practice for them.