Week commencing 1st February

Children’s Mental Health Week 2021
This week is children’s mental health week. If we’d been in school, the plan was to have a really focused theme week with some dress up days and various activities throughout the week in the afternoons. In these challenging times for adults and children alike, it is really important that our children feel informed and supported and are well equipped to cope with day to day life. Therefore, we feel that it is important to continue with as many of the things we had planned as possible.
Below you will find two PowerPoint presentations which we would like you to look at. One is for parents and the other is for you to talk through with your children. Please spend time looking at these and discussing points raised with your children. There is a Philosophy for Children ‘Big Question’ for each day, which you will find on the children’s PowerPoint.
You will also find below the afternoon activities for you to complete each afternoon. Be as creative as you like with each activity. You can ‘express yourself’ in the way that you complete and present your learning each day.
Have a lovely week
Videos and links
What is mental health? – video to watch
Cosmic yoga – YouTube
- Monday – Oak academy assembly
- Monday – A message from The Duchess of Cambridge
- Tuesday – Inspirational people 2020
- Thursday – Silly Billy by Anthony Browne
- Thursday – How to make a worry doll – video tutorial
- Friday – Book to read/ watch for Inside out day – Have you filled your bucket today?

- Parent mental health week PowerPoint
- Children's mental health week PowerPoint including some useful links
- Monday - Express Yourself slides
- Monday - Express myself body template
- Tuesday - Inspirational people. Slides
- Tuesday - Who is your hero?
- Wednesday - Get creative!
- Thursday - Dealing with worries. Slides
- Thursday - Making a worry doll ideas
- Friday - Have you filled a bucket today? Slides
- Friday - Have you filled a bucket today? Question and activity sheet
- Express Yourself February calendar