Week commencing 15th November 2021

Monday and Tuesday will be the final 2 days spent on practicing the expanded column method for addition and subtraction. Some children will still be working on subtraction, some will be moving on to mixed addition and subtraction questions where they will need to apply the 4 different methods taught independently. Use any of the lists of number sentences from last week or just make up 10 of your own number sentences for your child to complete. If the children are totally fluent with adding and subtracting 2 digit numbers, then there is a hard challenge booklet to have a go at (with support). We usually do the maths fluency sheets on a Tuesday morning.

We don’t have maths on a Wednesday in school.

Thursday and Friday will be moving onto learning about money. Year 1 didn’t get chance to cover money much at all last year due to lockdown, so we’ll be picking it up from scratch in Year 2. We will ensure that the children know and recognise all of the coins and notes first . Then, we will learn how to use the coins and notes to make different, specific amounts.