Week commencing 18th January

This week in maths we are concentrating on grouping and sharing which will lead on to the concept of dividing. There are a couple of Year 1 revision lessons this week which should be good for the children to do as this block of work was taught in the Spring lockdown in Year 1 so it might have been missed.

If the children whizz through any of the White Rose worksheets then please get them to follow up with a 5 minute fluency page and/or Mathletics and Times Table Rockstars. Fluency with maths is so important at this stage of their learning so it’s about the amount of time they’re spending on it really. The more familiar they are with number then the more it becomes second nature to them and the deeper they begin to understand it.

If they’re revising time or money or something else entirely on Mathletics then that’s always useful as it will help with their long term memory of those concepts that we don’t often teach.  Have you also found ‘Live Mathletics’ where they compete against others across the world!