Week commencing 8th February

We are continuing to look at statistics this week.

Monday’s lesson is an activity day which is introduced on the White Rose video.  There is a sheet to use alongside the lesson if you wish or you can draw your own charts. Tuesday and Wednesday’s lessons continue on from there, looking at pictograms where one picture represents a number other than 1. The children will need to check the key beside the pictogram to know what each picture represents.  Forgetting to check the key is the most common mistake that children make when answering questions about Pictograms. Thursday’s lesson is moving on to bar charts/ block graphs and Friday’s ‘quiz’ questions are a culmination of the learning over these last two weeks.

The children will need to understand the mathematical vocabulary of ‘more than’, ‘less than’, ‘fewer than’ and ‘total’ for the questions this week. Try to bring this vocabulary into your every day life wherever possible. Especially ‘fewer than’ as they often struggle with understanding this vocabulary as it is rarely used outside of a Maths lesson!

At least one fluency sheet should be completed again this week, and 5 Mathletics tasks will again be set. Have a good week 🙂