Week commencing 25th January

This is our final week on multiplication and division as next week we will be moving on to a new maths topic.

Last week we looked at grouping and sharing and those lessons lead us on to exploring division this week. The children will need to watch the White Rose videos on Monday-Thursday before completing their worksheets. Please let them access resources when they are completing their work, as the visual, practical and problem solving element of manipulating resources will really help them to gain a deeper understanding of the questions.

On Friday there are 15 word problems involving multiplication and division for them to complete as a culmination to this block of work. These are the types of questions that they would come across in Year 2 SATs if we were doing them. Some questions are easier than others. It would be good for them to try and complete the booklet independently at first, and then to come to you for help on the questions they’ve got stuck with. Some of the questions will be a challenge, but hopefully the last few weeks of White Rose lessons will have helped with their understanding and they’ll have a strategy in mind to help them reach the correct answer.

The fluency sheets are there as normal to complete on whichever day suits you best. I’ve added a sheet 7 this week with some division questions if anyone is up for that! There is also the True and False reasoning sheet to go alongside this week’s lessons if anyone is in need of extension questions.

I noticed that quite a few of the children in class this week struggled with Friday’s multiplication sheet. It would be great to build up their fluency with their Times Tables in this time off school as much as possible really. I’ve added a link to the ‘Hit the Button’ game below. It’s great for number bonds and various things and we often use it in school. The children can try and beat their score each time. In addition to TT Rockstars, this is a great resource for building speed and fluency with Times Tables.
