Week commencing 1st March

Good morning Year 2,

This week we are going to be practising out descriptive writing by using a photograph of the Lake District to base our writing on. On Monday there is a RIC to complete and we’ll be thinking about using nouns and adjectives to write expanded noun phrases. On Tuesday we’ll be investigating synonyms of verbs and on Wednesday we’ll build on that by looking at adverbs. Over those three days, there will be a vocabulary sheet to add to each day using the words we’ve looked at so by Thursday the children should have created their own wordbank.

On Thursday and Friday we will look at up-levelling sentences and writing a descriptive paragraph using the vocabulary we have collected during the week.

World Book Day – Thursday 4th March 2021

We are putting dressing up on hold for this year, however there are still lots of ways to get involved in World Book Day this year:

Lesson Videos:

Other links and videos: