Supporting Collective Worship at home

Supporting Collective Worship at home
Whilst we are away from school we wanted to make sure our pupils and families still have the opportunity to take part and worship together. There will be a weekly video added below from Mrs Swann, a member of our Holy Trinity Church family. Please also see the additional links below supporting Collective Worship at home.
Oak National & Church of England: Collective Worship
Each week, Oak National Academy will host assemblies and Collective Worship sessions in partnership with the Church of England and other organisations. The assemblies will be available from 11am on a Thursday (or you can watch live at 10am). The Collective Worships will be available from 11am on a Friday (or you can watch live at 10am). Both are opportunities for pupils from across the country to come together, hear from some inspirational guest speakers, and to think and talk about wider things affecting us.
Additional Collective Worship resources:
Bible Chat Mat – Allows people of all ages to read the Bible and have conversation together, whether around a meal table, sitting on the sofa or wherever works best. It is produced by the Diocese of Bath & Wells.
Prayer Spaces at home – A series of prayer activities produced by the Prayer spaces in Schools Team, part of the Prayer 24-7 movement.
Worship at home – Resources produced by the Diocese of Guildford.
C of E Faith At Home Collective Worship Videos – a series of themed worship videos for primary and for secondary aged pupils produced by the C of E. [There are also resources for parents to help children with grief, bereavement and loss].