Summer 1 Week 1 Afternoons

In this folder you will find suggested activities for the week. Please do what you can and please don’t stress about what you can’t!

Monday – It would have been PE and Computing this afternoon, so please make sure you get some form of exercise (many of you might have already done PE with Joe or been on a walk 🙂 )

For computing, we would like you to practise your typing skills.


Tuesday – Art and French.

Art – Can anyone manage to create a floating ‘A’?

French – Recap greetings and maybe try and learn the French Alphabet.

French Greetings (Recap from before the holidays)

The French Alphabet


Wednesday – Topic Afternoon

We will be studying the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings. The first part though is to get some historical context.

Please begin with this video (a short history of the world)

Then this video (AD and BC Explained) (we’ll have to forgive the mild blasphemy; it was the best video I could find to explain) 🙂

Then have a go at the activity (found at the bottom of the page – Topic Lesson 1 BC and AD activity)

Thursday – Music and PSHE

In PSHE this term, we were going to be (are) looking at smoking and its harmful effects. The information and activity are at the bottom of the page.

For music – check out this website if you can –

Friday – PE and Topic (History)

Again, it would have been PE this afternoon, please make sure you have taken some form of exercise today! (Ideas on the main y5 part of the website if needed).

For topic, we’d just like you to do some research on the question ‘Why did the Romans leave Britain?’ – You’re probably thinking, ‘We’re not doing the Romans!’ but it was the Romans leaving that led to the start of the Anglo Saxon period. This website is a good place to start –  

You don’t have to write anything down at this stage, but if you wanted to, you could make a poster or a powerpoint on the subject. We will be doing more on this next week. Have a great weekend and see you (!) Monday. 🙂