Cookridge Holy Trinity
Church of England (VA) Primary School

The Best For Every Child -
a Unique Child of God.

Green Lane, Cookridge Leeds, LS16 7EZ
Telephone: 0113 2253 040

Spring 1 Year 6 Week 3

Week Three

Hello everyone,

Remember that we will be meeting every morning from Wednesday 6th  January at 8.30am on Microsoft Teams and then at 1.30pm to catch up on anything we struggled with.

Don’t forget, the Maths can be submitted via Assignments on Teams and we will also ask for some pieces of English/Afternoon activities submitting through assignments but we will give you prior warning to this 🙂

As always, do your best with it and email in a screen shot/typed up version of some of your work for us to look at to:


Thank you.

Mr March and Mr Clarke

Supporting Collective Worship at Home

Whilst we are away from school, we wanted to make sure our pupils and families still have the opportunity to take part and worship together. There will be a weekly video from Mrs Swann, a member of our Holy Trinity Church family and additional links which can be used to support Collective Worship at home.

Click here for Collective Worship


The links to the sheets are now on Teams, remember that they are at the top under the file tab. We will be uploading each day so that you do not get confused which sheet to do. We also are setting them as assignments so we can see your work.

Use the link to access the videos:

Once you have done that, make sure you log into Mathletics and do any of the tasks in the areas you are still unsure about.



Have a look at the spellings below and learn them. This week the spelling pattern focuses on ‘unstressed vowels’. Please remember to make sure you are secure with the meaning of the words by checking in a dictionary if you are not sure. Get your parents to test you at some point this week on them:

Download (DOC, 71KB)

English reading / written task

This week we are going to be reading through a story called ‘The Giant’s Necklace’ by Michael Morpurgo. Please make sure you read each slide carefully and do not read any further than you are meant to.

The Giant’s Necklace – Monday text

Download (DOCX, 918KB)

Monday: slides

Read through the slides below and work through the tasks  either in your ‘home-learning’ books.

Download (PDF, 6.52MB)

Download (DOCX, 136KB)

The Giant’s Necklace – Tuesday text

Download (DOCX, 596KB)

Tuesday: slides

Download (PDF, 4.55MB)

The Giant’s Necklace – Wednesday text

Download (DOCX, 679KB)

Wednesday: slides

Download (PDF, 2.69MB)

The Giant’s Necklace – Thursday text

Download (DOCX, 1.27MB)

Thursday: slides

Download (PDF, 2.34MB)

Friday: slides

Download (PDF, 3.68MB)

Art Lesson 2 (Monday afternoon)

You will need to only complete the first lesson that is on the slides. The date is at the top (18.1.21). Read through and do your best. Remember that this can be an ongoing project.

Download (PDF, 16.52MB)

WAGOLL for Art from Mrs Urch

Download (DOCX, 153KB)

Science (Tuesday afternoon)

We are going to continue our work on ‘Living Things’ and find out about how they are classified.

Download (PDF, 10.3MB)

Carl Linnaeus fact file:

Download (PDF, 1.22MB)

RIC questions:

Download (DOCX, 86KB)

Animal pictures:

Download (DOCX, 1.15MB)

RE (Wednesday afternoon)

We will be looking at some of the Gospels this half term. Read through the slides and answer the questions as you go along. Answer the RIC question that is on the slide. If you want to write it in your Home Learning Book you can, if not use the word document below and add a text box.

Download (PDF, 1.06MB)

Download (PPT, 1.46MB)

Download (DOCX, 274KB)

Computing (Thursday afternoon)

Have a read through of the PowerPoint and make sure you watch the video- it is embedded in there.

Remember the website to get on is:

Download (PPTX, 18.39MB)

Music (Thursday)

You have been set two tasks to complete as part of your music lessons. Please read the slides below and have a go at these:

Download (PDF, 560KB)

PE/Mindfulness (Friday)

Head into your garden and get a bit of exercise. If you do not want to be outside, have a look at some of the videos from the links below which contain a mix of yoga/mindfulness/active lifestyle suggestions:

Now get creative and produce your own exercise plan. Use some of the ideas that you find in the links above and also any ideas of your own. You can use this template or, even better, show you plan in a more artistic, creative way.

Download (DOCX, 17KB)

Yoga and Mindfulness