Scholastic Book Week

The w/c 9th October will be our Scholastic Book Week. The book fair will be in the school hall Mon – Thu and will be open after school each day.  On Thursday 12th October we will be doing our annual vocabulary parade around the playground at 9am.  More details to follow in a letter …

We will also be taking part in Read-a-thon during book week; a chance to enjoy reading whilst also raising money for charity through collecting sponsors. Keep an eye out for a letter next week with all the details for both events and a sponsor card.

Competition time!

There are x5 £5 book tokens to be won to spend at the book fair. This year’s competition is to submit a photograph of yourself enjoying reading in a creative or unusual space. The best entries will be displayed on the Reading display in school and winners will be announced on Friday 6th October.  Please bring photos in a named envelope to Mrs Casling in 6C, or send in via the school office, either in an envelope or by email by Wednesday 4th October.

Link to Readathon website:

Link to Scholastic website: