Cookridge Holy Trinity
Church of England (VA) Primary School

The Best For Every Child -
a Unique Child of God.

Green Lane, Cookridge Leeds, LS16 7EZ
Telephone: 0113 2253 040

Peat Rigg 2024- Day 3

Refreshed after another successful night’s sleep, it was time for our final day. Our first job was to get the bedding that we put on, off and into the wash basket. A quick pit-stop for our cereal, toast and cooked breakfast, we were ready to have a final room check.

Rooms checked, bags moved, we were ready to go into our final activity. The last couple of activities consisted of what we hadn’t done from the previous day, plus the world-famous ‘Peat Rigg Olympics’. We witnessed the most creative opening ceremony followed by some interesting running techniques and styles- a winning team later, the Olympic Ceremony closed.

After our activities it was time for some lunch: paninis, salad, and a final bit of the delicious home-made pudding. We then grabbed our bags and loaded them onto the coach, and boarded. Waves and some tears (sadness from the children leaving, joy from the teachers for a full night’s sleep incoming) filled the coach. We were on our way home, excited to see our parents but sad to leave the best residential we’ve ever had. I’m sure we’ll sleep well this weekend! A message will be coming with timings of arrival home soon…

3 responses to “Peat Rigg 2024- Day 3”

  1. Annette Peterson says:

    Ah love this – the the tears of sadness and joy! Ha ha. Sounds like a fab trip from start to finish.

    Thank you to all the staff for giving our children the best trip and memories to last a lifetime! Preparing myself for a very tired little boy arriving home in a few hours.

  2. Joanne Monteiro says:

    Thank you so much for taking the children on this amazing residential.

  3. Bethan Wilkin says:

    Thank you – sounds like an experience they will remember forever!

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