Cookridge Holy Trinity
Church of England (VA) Primary School

The Best For Every Child -
a Unique Child of God.

Green Lane, Cookridge Leeds, LS16 7EZ
Telephone: 0113 2253 040

Peat Rigg 2024- Day 2

The day began with the children getting up bright and early after a fantastic night’s sleep and raring to go- well most of them as some of the children must have had Whitby’s Dracula sense of seeing light at 7am 🙂 

First stop- breakfast! A whole host of cereal plus a cooked breakfast with ample amounts of toast, they were fuelled for the day. We were then told what the morning activities and afternoon activities were. Some groups were doing the activities that they had not done, others were ready to get wet on the beck scramble.

A short ride into the countryside we arrived at our destination. The beck was the perfect wake up. Cold water, rocks to slide down- what more could we want? The children (and teachers) waded through the water, floated around and took a leap of faith into the water- the teachers as well. Mr Wilkinson’s coat filling up with water turned him into the Michelin Man! The laughter filled the woods and the sounds of cold, but extremely happy children, could be heard all the way in Whitby!

Later on for our evening meal we had a wonderful BBQ outside in the sunshine. Burgers, chicken and then ice cream with flakes for dessert. It was delicious and a perfect final evening meal.

The evening activities consisted of night line and team games. The teams worked incredibly well together to complete the team games, the night-line proved a challenge. There were rumblings of ninja squirrels in the trees and they made themselves known with a shower of pine cones and ‘squirrel wee’- it was definitely not Supersoakers provided to the teachers by Peat Rigg. Most of the children navigated the night-line with ease; others decided to walk into trees and fall down in tyres. I think we were all ‘tyred’ by this point 🙂

After the evening activities had finished, we got changed into our PJs and went for supper. Another hot chocolate and biscuit- yum! It was then time to head to our rooms  and await a room inspection.

The teachers came around for the room inspection and were extremely impressed with the cleanliness and how well packed they were- they never even found any secret sweet stashes. Although some were a little loud in their explanations of not actually having sweets which made us suspicious.

Room inspection complete, it was time to settle down for our final night at Peat Rigg. I’m sure it’ll be another quiet night…

5 responses to “Peat Rigg 2024- Day 2”

  1. Aimee Nowland says:

    Fantastic update! What a fab time you are all having!

    Have a lovely night’s sleep and we will see you tomorrow!

    Teachers you are amazing!!

  2. Joanne monteiro says:

    Sounds like another fun filled, fabulous day. So happy they’re all having such a wonderful experience with their friends before they gone on to their new adventure in high school. Built memories they’ll never forget.🥰

  3. Dyana Ram says:

    Good to know that the children were busy throughout the day with lots of amazing activities. Can’t wait to hear from my daughter. Thanks for the update.

  4. Lornette Mutteto says:

    This all sounds excellent. I bet any anxieties some might have had prior to the trip soon vanished today, with all the fun and laughter you have had today. Sounds like the weather was great too!! Can’t wait to hear the stories when they return!!

  5. Jane says:

    Big Thankyou for taking the time after such busy days to write these blogs, have loved hearing updates….. it sounds amazing, and agree with others, our kids are making fab memories as they prepare to move on to high school. Beck scramble & night line sounds brilliant ( bed making and room inspection hilarious…. Maybe we can keep these going on return …hmm🤔😂)

    Enjoy last day of fun tomorrow, safe trip home and enjoy big rest at the weekend

    Thanks so much to all the teachers & staff

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