
High standards of personal presentation support our positive learning ethos. Parents are asked for full support and co-operation to ensure that all children wear school uniform.
The supplier for our school uniform is Goodies – please order through SIMSPay ( choosing your items via the shopping basket/shop). The prices have increased – please see up-to-date prices on SIMSPay.
Key Stage One Boys
- Grey tailored trousers/long or short
- White polo shirt
- Navy sweatshirt with Holy Trinity logo
- Grey Socks
- Black School Shoes – not trainers please
Key Stage One Girls
- Grey skirt or Grey tailored trousers
- White polo shirt
- Navy sweatshirt with Holy Trinity logo
- White socks – blue or grey tights
- Black school shoes/black sensible boots – not trainers or fashion boots please
- Conventional sandals – summer (optional)
- Summer blue and white check dress (optional)
Key Stage Two Boys
- Grey tailored trousers
- Navy v-neck pullover with Holy Trinity neckband
- White shirt and school tie
- Grey socks
- Black school shoes – not trainers please
Key Stage Two Girls
- Girls Grey skirt or Grey tailored trousers
- White shirt and school tie
- Navy cardigan with Holy Trinity neckband
- White socks – blue or grey tights
- Black school shoes/black sensible boots – not trainers or fashion boots please
- Conventional sandals – summer (optional)
- Summer blue and white check dress (optional)
Games/Physical Education
- Gold T-shirt (with or without school logo)
- Plain navy tracksuit bottoms
- Plain navy hoodie or sweatshirt
- Plain navy shorts/ Skort
- Short white socks
- Trainers and/or pumps
- All named in a drawstring bag.
- Long hair should always be tied back for PE lessons and jewelry (earrings) removed.
Please provide a named drawstring bag for P .E. kit and pumps. All Clothing must be clearly marked with the pupil’s name. In addition, we ask that an apron/shirt be provided for Art and Craft work in Key Stage 2.
Any valuables, including money, which may have to be brought to school, should be given to the class teacher for safekeeping during the day. Watches may be worn and plain “stud” earrings for pierced ears. No other jewellery may be worn in school.
Photos below show our uniform.