Welcome to the Holy Trinity PTA Page!
Who are we and what do we do?
We are a small group of parents and teachers who meet approximately once a month to plan and organise fun events and activities which raise funds that are used within the school to benefit the children. We also discuss how to allocate the funds raised following requests received from the school. Our activities are going to have to look a little bit different for the next few months, but we are currently working on options that can work either virtually or within current government guidelines.
The PTA team would like to thank everyone in our school community for their patience and understanding when it has come to the lack of events being held. This was out of all the volunteers hands and was not something we took lightly. Now, lets all look forward to a more fun, charming and eventful time at our school.
We are a very informal group and membership changes every year, but we do have a committee that ensures everything runs smoothly – the current members of this are:
Chairperson : Amy Mills
Secretary: Diana Ram
Treasurer: Hannah Furlong
How much money do we raise and what does it get spent on?
In 2023-2024 we raised £10,604
Other fundraising activities included:
- The new parents’ coffee afternoon in September
- Pre-loved uniform sales at the Parents’ Evenings in October and March
- Reception tea towels
- Christmas cards and gifts decorated by the children
- Bags2School donations
- A tea & coffee stand at the Number Day parade in February
- ‘Inspirational People’ decorated hearts in March
The funds we raise are for extra items for the children and the more we raise the more we can provide for the school. We are always open to new fundraising suggestions and ideas from teachers and parents. Please see details below of how you can get involved.
Examples of what some of the funds have been spent on over the last year
- Sandpit
- Furnishings for the new reading shed
- Nativity costumes
- Theme resources for years 4 and 5
- Year 6 leaver’s books
- Sports Equipment
If you have any suggestions on what future funds could be spent on please let the PTA know (see details below
If you would like to know more about the PTA please visit our facebook page
PTA Funds
Active Inspire Handsets
Nativity costumes and backdrop
New Playground Equiptment
New school iPads
Whole school circus day