Lunch in School

Dinner Money:
We are now a ‘cashless’ office. Dinner money can be paid using ParentPay. For help in accessing the system please contact the school office.
Children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 automatically receive a Free School Meal.
Dinner money costs are as follows:
- £12.25 per week (KS2 pupils)
- £2.45 (KS2 pupils)
Please advise of any change in lunch arrangements as soon as possible.
All children eat school dinners in the same hall with Lunchtime assistants to help if needed. Children have a drink of water with their meal.
School menus incorporate the new EU Allergen Law came in to effect on the 13th December 2014 and also the new School Food Standards which started 1st January 2015.
Click here to see the allergen information
Sandwich Arrangements
Each Year group has a trolley for lunch boxes which are moved into the school hall by lunchtime assistants. When it is your child’s lunchtime they collect their lunch box and put it back when finished.
Please ensure that all Lunch boxes are clearly labelled with your child’s name and year group.
Please ensure that your child brings a water bottle to school with them, which must contain water, dilute and juice or carbonated drinks are not allowed. This is inline with our Healthy Schools Policy.
When all children have finished their lunch they go outside to play.Children in Key Stage 1 have 1 hour and 15 minutes for lunch and children in Key Stage 2 have 1 hour.
Healthy Eating
We always encourage our children to eat healthily. Every morning children in Key Stage 1 have a piece of fruit with either a carton of milk or water.
At lunchtime children who have school dinners must eat either the vegetable or salad option. Fruit is always on the menu as a dessert.
We use no salt in any of our cooking and flavour the meals with herbs and tomato purée.
We only use seasonal ingredients for our school dinners. We also incorporate cultural celebrations into our meals.
Children also learn the positives and negatives of eating healthily in their PHSCE and Science lessons.
Free School Meals
Children may be eligible for free school meals if their parents or carers receive any of the following benefits:
- income support
- income based Job Seeker’s Allowance
- income based Employment and Support Allowance
- Child Tax Credit with an annual income of less than £16,190
- the guaranteed element of the State Pension Credit
- the guaranteed element of Pension Credit
- support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
- Universal Credit with an annual income of less than £7,400
How to apply
If you think your child could be eligible for free school meals, you can apply online or by completing the claim form.
If you pay council tax in Leeds
If you live in Leeds and you do not already receive Housing Benefit or Council Tax Support, you will need to complete the online form.
If you are already in receipt of Housing Benefit or Council Tax Support, complete and return the free school meals claim form (Word 0.3MB) to:
Welfare and Benefits (FSM Claims)
Leeds City Council
PO Box 911
If you require any further information please contact the school office.