October 2018 – WW1

To mark the centenary of the end of World War One KS2 took part in a WW1 day to find out what life was like for soldiers fighting in the war. There were lots of different activities; we learnt about life in the trenches, how to treat a wounded soldier using our first aid skills and even took part in Basic Skills training!
Here are some of our thoughts from the day:
I hadn’t realised that WW1 all began because of the firing of two bullets!” James Y4
“I really enjoyed the scenarios for the Officer training.” Matthew Y4
“I liked the first aid session because we got to learn how to bandage.” Georgina Y4
I enjoyed looking at the artefacts because I learnt new things.” Blake Y4
“I like the times in the hall – the man had lots of interesting facts to teach us and I have definitely learnt something today.” Izzie Y4
“The first aid bit made me realise what people had to cope with in the trenches with limited things.” Annabelle Y4
“I learnt that many countries went to war, I never realised!” Freya Y4
“I loved the facts about the trenches. I had no idea that people had to spend so long in them.” Evan Y4