House Captains 2018 – 2019

At Holy Trinity we have four school houses; Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. The aim of the House Teams is to encourage children to play an active role in school life, develop team work skills and inspire communication and involvement across the different year groups.
All children are allocated a House Team and take pride in representing their House throughout their time at Cookridge Holy Trinity. The children earn points for their team for showing enthusiasm, good work, demonstrating the school Christian Values and entering competitions organised by the House Captains.
Our House Captains for 2019 – 2020 are:
Matthew –
Mark –
Luke –
John –
This weeks house points:
House Captains
This Week's Winners
The first job for our newly appointed House Captains was to help sort the Harvest Festival donations that had been brought into school. Each House had been encouraging their team to donate as much as possible and we had nearly 500 items donated!! In the the end it was Matthew who brought in the most donations, however every House did an incredible job and it was a very close call! Thank you to everyone who donated, your donations will be taken up to Church and then sent on to those in need.
On shrove Tuesday we had our annual Pancake Race House Competition. The House Captains did a fabulous job of running the event, happily demonstrating their pancake flipping skills. Each house earned points for their team and the overall winner was John, although it was so close it came down to who won the teacher’s race! A huge well done to our House Captains and all the children and staff for taking part.
Egg decorating House Competition
The House Captains organised an egg decorating competition during Holy Week. Children from each House could enter their egg decorations. We had some absolutely egg-cellent entries from each year group, Mrs Hellings found it egg-tremely tough to choose just four winners!
The winners from each House were:
Matthew – Rajan Bhath for Musical Minions
Mark – Thomas Carruthers for Egg Sheeran
Luke – Summer Cass for Mermaid
John – Chloe Towers for Ballet
Thank you to everyone who entered the competition! We had great fun looking at all of the entries!