Friday 27th March 2020

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Morning year 5, happy Friday, Mr O here. I have recorded a version of the spelling test in my living room. Not sure that I can quit my job and become a radio DJ just yet, but there you go. Give it a try. If I’m reading too fast, you can pause the recording! There is also the link to the Times Tables/Division Facts sheets we do on a Friday. Have a quick look to refresh your memory.

The maths lesson today will be a chance to catch up on Mathletics or TT Rock Stars (It would be nice to beat those other schools in the competition). For those who are really keen, try this link (there are loads of challenges on there, bronze being easiest to platinum hardest) – 

My turn now (Mr E), thanks Mr O. Congratulations, you’ve got through home-schooling, week 1.  Just a few more hours until the weekend.  Hopefully your Raxx stories are incredible and ready to be sent to the nearest publisher…no?  That’s right, they need editing.  No work is complete without careful and thorough editing.  We are becoming pros at this now but we are not perfect.  As always, pay particular attention to your basic punctuation; get the simple things right.  Also be sure to re-read each sentence so you know they make perfect sense- we can all be guilty of this from time to time.

Topic is for this week and next week as you are writing your own North/South Pole explanation piece.  Top tip- use the website I’ve given you in the slides- it’s great!

For PE – This website is always good for ideas (as you already know :).