Collective Worship

Collective Worship
At Cookridge Holy Trinity Primary we have daily acts of Collective Worship, in which pupils, staff, clergy and visitors are actively involved. Our daily Collective Worship is linked to our school ethos and our school’s Christian Values.
A list of our Collective Worship weekly themes is available for the whole school year. These themes link to our school’s core Christian Values and also include some themes which link to our major Christian festivals. In the classroom and weekly school newsletter, each half term’s Christian Value, memory verses of Bible quotations and our ethos statement are displayed.
Special celebrations take place at:
Significant times of school year e.g Trinity Day
A variety of types of Collective Worship are reflected in the relatedness between school and the Parish Church of Holy Trinity, Cookridge. Participation in the end of year services, Easter and Christmas services provide opportunities for the children’s experience to be focused outside the more familiar setting of the school premises and enriched by that process.
Aims for Collective Worship
- To use Collective Worship for the children in order to meet their expectations and needs.
- To enjoy worshipping together.
- To stimulate imagination and encourage participation.
By these means to enable the children:
- To gain a clear and concise understanding of Christian teaching and practice with reference to the teachings of the Church of England and the Holy Scriptures.
- To reflect and be encouraged to perceive the spiritual dimension of being human.
- To give thanks to God, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
- To encourage respect for others and to explore and discover relationships and diversity.
Our School Values
We seek to explore the meanings of our school christian values and their significance through weekly acts of worship delivered by our Head Teacher, Deputy Head, Holy Trinity Church, Tinshill Free Church and class teachers. Our school values are taught as part of our curriculum and embedded in our school life.
In consultation with our children, parents, Governors and staff we believe that the gifts of respect, service, perseverance, hope, compassion, truthfulness, thankfulness, friendship, trust, forgiveness, love and courage are the values we want our children to leave our school with. Whilst these gifts are inclusive of human values, we try to anchor them into the Christian faith by relating them to the Bible through stories and readings.
We teach our School Values in a two year rolling cycle.
Our Christian Values this year (Year A):
Term 1: Respect
Term 2: Service
Term 3: Perseverance
Term 4: Hope
Term 5: Compassion
Term 6: Truthfulness
Our Christian Values this year (Year B):
Term 1: Thankfulness
Term 2: Friendship
Term 3: Trust
Term 4: Forgiveness
Term 5: Peace
Term 6: Courage
Home School Values
Linking to each half term’s current Christian Value, we include a ‘Home School Values’ sheet in our weekly newsletter. These enable conversations related to what the children are learning in school and provide opportunities for talking, reading together, sharing words of wisdom, fascinating facts, a family focus, a home school challenge and to share in an inspirational character who has demonstrated the value.
Please find our Home School Values sheets attached below:
Whole School and Class Worship Times
Monday – 9am – Whole School Worship
Tuesday – 9am – Key Stage 2 Worship (Mrs Swan)
. 10:30am – Key Stage 1 Worship (Mrs Swan)
Wednesday – 9am Key Stage 2 Singing Worship
Thursday – 9am Celebration Worship
Friday – 9am – Whole School Worship (Mrs Leng)
Liturgical Calendar for Church of England 2024-2025 (1)
Intent, Implementation and Impact
Supporting Collective Worship at Home
Collective Worship Photos 2022 – 2023
- May 2023 – 3R Peace collective worship
- March 2023 – 5H Worship
- March 2023 – 4L Forgiveness Collective Worship
- February 2023 – Year 4 Admittance to receive Holy Communion
- January 2023 – 5E Class Worship On Trust
Click here for 2021 – 2022 photos
Click here for 2020 – 2021 photos