Year Two Working from Home Science
Our Science topic this half term has been Animals including humans, which is partly why we’ve had the chicks in school.
The lesson below covers the National Curriculum Year 2 Objective:
‘Notice that animals, including humans, have offspring which grow into adults’
Please go through the PowerPoint with your child first (If you’re unable to open PowerPoint at home please let us know and we’ll save it as a PDF too.). Make sure you chat about each page and the information they’re learning. Year 2 are at a very inquisitive age and usually love talking about Science and animals.
There are a couple of worksheets to complete if you’re able to and a couple of wordsearches for fun.
The discussion is the important part. You could do any activity you like that ties in with the Learning Objective.
Feel free to get creative. Enjoy 
Maddie Moate Let’s Go Live science videos