Year Six

Year 6

Welcome to Year 6!

In Year 6 we pride ourselves on ensuring the children are getting into good habits with their own organisation skills, developing a great deal of independence and our aim is to ensure they are ready for their journey into high school and beyond.


Teacher – Mr Clarke
Support Staff – Mrs Urch (HLTA)


Teacher – Mr Englefield
Support Staff – Mrs Oldroyd, Mrs Styrin


Parent Information

Social Media and Internet Safety

We are very aware of the issues surrounding social media and internet safety – children will learn (at an age-appropriate level) how to keep themselves safe online on a regular basis in school. Please monitor the time and access that your child has from home and if any incidents do occur, please let us know.

Walking to School

If you wish to give permission for your child to walk independently to/ from school at any point this academic year, please fill in the form sent out from the office or email the Year 6 email address. If you intend for your child to arrive at school independently, they must not arrive until 8:40.

SATs Information and Dates 2024-25

The link below has some useful information about the Year 6 SATs Tests that take place on the week commencing 12th – 15th May 2024.

There will be further information sent home in the Spring term

The file below is a link to the glossary of the grammar terminology the children learn. 

