Year Five

Welcome to Year 5!

Class 5K

Teacher – Mrs Kennedy
Teaching Assistant – Mrs Sulaiman


Class 5L

Teacher: Miss Lillington
Teaching Assistants: Mrs  Guesne


Parent Information

Social Media and Internet Safety

We are very aware of the issues surrounding social media and internet safety – children will learn (at an age-appropriate level) how to keep themselves safe online on a regular basis in school. Please monitor the time and access that your child has from home and if any incidents do occur, please let us know.

Walking to School

If you wish to give permission for your child to walk independently to/ from school at any point this academic year, please fill in the form sent out from the office or email the Year 5 email address. If you intend for your child to arrive at school independently, they must not arrive until 8:40.


Year 5 Reading Spine




Click here to see the photos from 2022 – 2023

Click here to see the photos from 2021 – 2022

Yes 5 News

Year 5 Observing Temperature and Rainfall

Year 5
Year 5 conducted a weather investigation to compare the temperature and rainfall in Leeds compared to New York. The children measured the amount of rainfall using a measuring cylinder and…

Year 5 separating materials

Year 5
Year 5 conducted an experiment separating various materials using the techniques of magnetism, sieving, evaporation and filtration.

Year 5 wooden bridge structures

Year 5
Year 5 have used tools to create a wooden truss bridge. The children have researched and evaluated different types of bridge designs. They have used a wide range of tools…

Year 5 making straw bridges

Year 5
The children learnt about the different types of bridges and their structural differences; beam, arch, suspension and cantilever or “truss.” Year 5 then built a truss bridge using paper straws…

Year 5 investigating bridges

Year 5
We have been learning about the different types of bridges and their structural differences; beam, arch, suspension and cantilever or “truss.” Year 5 then built a truss bridge using paper…

Year 5 Clay Lizards

Year 5
Linking to our English reading text ‘Holes’ by Louis Sachar, Year 5 have sculpted lizards out of clay. They learned how to use and select the appropriate tools to add…

Year 5 mosaic lizards

Year 5
Year 5 are reading “Holes” by Louis Sachar, as part of our English reading unit and have been using various materials and techniques to create lizards. Year 5 were inspired…

Year 5 Making Cheesecakes

Year 5
Linking to our History topic, ‘America’, year 5 have designed and created their very own New York Cheesecakes! As a class we weighed and measured the ingredients to make the…

Year 5 Walk through the Bible

Year 5
This half term, Year 5 have participated in 5 sessions led by our visitor from Church, Mrs Leng. We have focused on the content of the Old Testament in the…

Year 5 performing poetry

Year 5
In groups, we performed the poem, ‘The Statue of Liberty’ by Paul Perro. We considered our use of tone, expression, speed when performing.