Year Five

Welcome to Year 5!

Class 5K

Teacher – Mrs Kennedy
Teaching Assistant – Mrs Sulaiman


Class 5L

Teacher: Miss Lillington
Teaching Assistants: Mrs  Guesne


Parent Information

Social Media and Internet Safety

We are very aware of the issues surrounding social media and internet safety – children will learn (at an age-appropriate level) how to keep themselves safe online on a regular basis in school. Please monitor the time and access that your child has from home and if any incidents do occur, please let us know.

Walking to School

If you wish to give permission for your child to walk independently to/ from school at any point this academic year, please fill in the form sent out from the office or email the Year 5 email address. If you intend for your child to arrive at school independently, they must not arrive until 8:40.


Year 5 Reading Spine




Click here to see the photos from 2022 – 2023

Click here to see the photos from 2021 – 2022

Yes 5 News

Year 5 Debating

Year 5
Year 5 were developing their oracy skills in english, where they learnt about the different roles in a debate. The children debated various motions and had the opportunity to try…

Year 5 Oracy and debate skills

Year 5
We have begun to develop our oracy skills in debate to enable us to speak and listen clearly and confidently. We used our voices to share ideas, explain our thinking,…

Year 5 Division Methods

Year 5
Year 5 represented division calculations in a variety of ways in order to find the most efficient method. These included using number lines, bar models, arrays, short division written method…

Year 5 Using Digimaps

Year 5
Year 5 used the online mapping software, ‘Digimaps’ to investigate the human and physical features of Leeds and New York and compared them to find similarities and differences.

Year 5 Dside eSafety

Year 5
Year 5 had a visit from D-side to learn about how to stay safe whilst online. The children discussed the dangers of using the internet and gaming online.

Year 5 Fire Safety Talk

Year 5
Year 5 had an important visit from West Yorkshire Fire Service, who taught the children about keeping safe in an event of a fire and fire prevention. The children identified…

Year 5 Growing Crystals

Year 5
Year 5 conducted an investigation to observe salt water crystals growing over time. The children enjoyed adding salt to water to create a salt solution inside a glass jar, with…

Year 5 dissolving materials

Year 5
Year 5 learnt about the process of dissolving. They tested a variety of materials in water to see if they were soluble or not.