Reception Working from Home

Dear Parents/Carers,

During the school closures, we will be using Tapestry as our main form of daily communication, in which we will send you daily teaching/lessons and support. If you are not able to access Tapestry please ring the office or email  and we will sort this for you.

Each day we will:

  • Set one phonics lesson via Tapestry – we will send an observation/video which includes the days focus sound, words to blend including that sound, a sentence for your child to read including the focus sound and known tricky words. Each day we will model writing and then ask your child to write words, phrases or sentences. Where possible, please support your child with their formation, reminding them of the formation rhymes.
  • Set one maths lesson via Tapestry – we will send a maths teaching video which will follow in learning sequence, model new learning , any misconceptions that may be expected and an activity for your child to complete. You can also utilise Mathletic, username and password were sent home before Christmas but please email if you are unable to log in. .
  • Set weekly topic learning and activities – We will send an observation with topic learning and activities to complete, which support your child’s learning in all areas of learning including understanding the world and expressive arts and design. These will be linked to our topic ‘Dinosaurs’. We will also send one RE lesson per week inline with what we would be learning in school.
  • Reading – We will send a fluency reading slide for each week. The aim is to read the same short paragraph everyday for the week to encourage sight reading and fluency. Your child will begin by blending to read and as they become familiar with it throughout the week they will become increasingly fluent. Please continue to read daily with your child using school reading books, stories you have at home and Oxford Owl e-books. These e-books are organised to support your child’s reading level, we would expect them to be reading between Level 1, Level 1+ or beginning level 2 at this stage of Reception. If you have any questions about oxford owl please email

On the oxford owl website, go to Oxford Owl for School to log the class, where you can find e-books.
All reception use the following username and password:
class log in: htrr
password: Rathmell

Thank you for your continued support,

The Reception team

Phonics Flashcards

WB 4th January – Remote Learning

WB 11th January – Remote Learning

WB 18th January – Remote Learning 

WB 25th January – Remote Learning 

WB 1st February – Remote Learning 

WB 8th February – Remote Learning

WB 22nd February – Remote Learning

Letters and Sounds phonics

The department for education has put together a series of daily phonics lessons which follow the scheme we use in school. Hopefully you’ll find these lessons useful in supporting their phonics learning.

YouTube – Letters and Sounds phonics lessons


There are lots of great ideas across the internet to keep kids active at home and we have provided links to these below such as Joe Wicks workouts and Cosmic Yoga. However,these are not physical education lessons, and we all know the importance of physical education to a child’s development and self-confidence. Therefore we will provide 2 links to Physical Education lessons here. Learning and practicing the fundamental skills of agility, balance, coordination and strength are so important.
  1. The department for education have recommended the Yorkshire Sport Foundation #ThisisPE campaign
  2. Real PE Curriculum PE lessons – Username/email, Password – cookridgeh – The children are used to the Skills videos on this website from their weekly PE lessons with their teacher. How far up each coloured skill can you get?

Supporting Collective Worship at home

Whilst we are away from school, we wanted to make sure our pupils and families still have the opportunity to take part and worship together. There will be a weekly video from Mrs Swann, a member of our Holy Trinity Church family and additional links which can be used to support Collective Worship at home.

Travelling Through Time Escape Game

Contact Us

Tinshill Drive
West Yorkshire
LS16 7DH

0113 386 2500