Christmas reading challenge

Dear parents and carers,
Coming home tonight is a reading reward chart to encourage your child to continue to practise and enjoy reading over the Christmas holidays. Regular reading at home is the most beneficial learning that the children can do. For every day that your child reads at least 1o minutes, please initial inside a wreath. If your child reads for ten days then they will receive a certificate and earn 1 minute of extra playtime for their class on their return to school in January. Each class could potentially earn an extra 30 minutes of playtime!
The main aim for this is to encourage the habit and enjoyment of reading therefore, it is separate to your child’s school reading book. They should continue to read this over the holidays and record that in the blue reading record. To complete the reading challenge, your child could read their favourite book from home, something from the library, a Christmas text, their phonics sounds and spellings, etc…
Please return the chart no later than Thursday 6th January so that we can award certificates and playtimes.
Thank you for your support,
The Year 1 team.