Week commencing 18th January

This week there is a variety of afternoon lessons which cover most areas of the curriculum.

In RE we are starting our new topic for this half term which is looking at the Gospels and exploring the question “What is the good news that Jesus brings?” There’s a video to watch and an activity to complete.

For French on Tuesday afternoon we are learning the names of some body parts in French. There are a couple of videos for the children to practice ‘Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes’ in French and then a few options to lead on from that. They only need complete one. Either the body parts gap fill sheet, the body parts labelling sheet, or one of the games. The games obviously require an adult to play with them, the worksheets they can complete independently, so whichever fits best with your day.

During art we will be doing a project focusing on drawing Peter Rabbit. It involves the children doing 3 separate drawings and each time trying to improve one aspect of their previous picture. If you watch the Austin’s butterfly video below you will see where the idea for the project comes from. In previous years we have seen some incredible progress in the children’s drawings so stick with it, we think you’ll be amazed by what they produce!

The learning objective for Science this week is ‘To know that animals, including adults, have offspring which grow into adults’. The children will learn about what the babies (offspring) of different animals look like, be they mammals, birds or reptiles, and will learn the names of different animal babies. There is a lot of information on the lesson slides to talk through. Then the main activity is a matching and labelling activity which can be done on a plain piece of paper or in their exercise books. There is also an optional extension activity if you need it.


