Week commencing 25th January

Good afternoon,
On Monday this week our RE lesson is about the story of the 10 Lepers. It focuses on Jesus teachings about thankfulness. There’s two videos to watch and an emotions story board to complete.
PHSE is mainly a discussion lesson again with an optional activity at the end if you want. Everything you need is on the slides… though some questions I’ve left up to you to answer as best you can! These lessons are part of the ‘Sex and relationships’ topic for Year 2. You don’t need to go into any detail. This is the very basic stuff about differences! Another discussion for around the dinner table maybe
Art this week is our final Peter Rabbit drawing. We can’t wait to see the progress you’ve made. There’s also an evaluation sheet to help you reflect on your learning journey.
Science for Thursday is to find out about the importance, for humans, of a balanced and varied diet. You may have read in the Newsletter this week that we are trialing the use of some pre-recorded lessons from the Oak Academy, which is a Government funded virtual school platform. So this week there is a lesson to watch via the link below and then a worksheet to complete which ties in with the online lesson (complete the follow up question too). Please print off the attached ‘Eatwell’ guide from the NHS for reference too (there is also a link to that website).
On Friday we are starting to look at our geography objectives for the term. Remember geography is all about learning about the world and the people in it. We are starting with coordinates. There is a couple of worksheets to try and a link to a coordinates game too.
We’ve also added a link below to the ‘Draw with Rob’ art videos. Not a lesson, but lovely, calm activities to do and the finished illustrations are always amazing! The children have done a few in school and love them – as do the teachers!
Video links:
- Monday - RE Slides
- Monday - RE story (You can just watch it)
- Monday - RE worksheet
- Tuesday - PHSE discussion slides
- Wednesday - Art Final Peter Rabbit
- Wednesday - Art Evaluation sheet
- Thursday - Science - Eatwell Guide
- Thursday - Science - Balanced meal worksheet and follow up question
- Friday - Geography coordinates
- Friday - Geography coordinates worksheet