Autumn 2 Year 6 Week Three

Week Three
English and Maths will be sent with a link to Dropbox via a SIMS email. Please also have a go at Mathletics and focus on any areas you are struggling with, and there is also the option to continue to battle on Times Table Rockstars.
Below is our Topic lesson, RE, Science and Art. As always, do your best with it and email in a screen shot/typed up version of the week for us to look at to
Thank you.
Mr March and Mr Clarke
Use the link to access the videos:
The links for the worksheet will be sent via SIMS.
The link to the work has been sent via SIMs. Use the PowerPoints below to help you:
Read the slides and then have a go at the work below, if you need any resources send an email to the year6 address:
We will be continuing our new topic of looking at World War Two. Use the lesson slides below to complete the worksheets that are also below:
We are looking at different religions and beliefs in the UK.
We will be continuing our topic of Evolution and Inheritance. Use the slides below to complete the worksheet that is also below: