Autumn 2 Year 6 Week 6

Week Six
English and Maths will be sent with a link to Dropbox via a SIMS email. There are also a couple of PowerPoints to help with the English. Please also have a go at Mathletics and focus on any areas you are struggling with, and there is also the option to continue to battle on Times Table Rockstars.
Below are the slides for the afternoon lessons.
As always, do your best with it and email in a screen shot/typed up version of the week for us to look at to
Thank you.
Mr March and Mr Clarke
Use the link to access the videos:
The links for the worksheet will be sent via SIMS.
The link to the work has been sent via SIMs. The spellings for this week are below. Make sure you learn them and then ask your parents/test yourself on Friday morning:
Art (Monday)
Read the slides and then have a go at the work below. You can do it on a piece of A4 paper, or design it using your computer:
PE/Mindfulness (Tuesday)
Head into your garden and get a bit of exercise. If you do not want to be outside, have a look at some of the videos from the links below which contain a mix of yoga/mindfulness/active lifestyle suggestions:
- Leeds Rhino Challenges
- Cosmic Kids Yoga
- GoNoodle Dance Workouts
- Joe Wicks Daily Workouts
10 minute shake ups – Disney new 10 minute shake up games!
BBC Supermovers – move while you learn
Science (Wednesday)
Read through the slides and answer the questions of Elephant evolution.
RE (Thursday)
Read through the slides and complete the tasks on creating a more respectful community.
Topic (Friday)
Have a read through the slides and information. Answer the questions that are in the Word document below. Once you have done that, use the answers to mark your own: