Autumn 2 Week 3 Afternoons

Monday 16th November 2020

Computing – 

Please try the lesson on the Oak National Academy Website.

RE –  Take a look at the Picture (Big Frieze, Incarnation) at the bottom of this page. Who is the man in the picture? What evidence can you find in the picture to explain. Note at least 8 interesting things from the picture and see if you can find what the meaning of it is.

Tuesday 17th November 2020

Art – Drawing the Empire State Building

Wednesday 18th – Topic

Topic – Geography – A new lesson on Geography from the Oak Academy –

Thursday 19th November 2020 – Science

Try this lesson please –

Friday 20th November 2020 – PHSE – Image cropping and filters –

Please watch the video and then create a simple poster warning children that images they see on the internet/magazines etc may not reflect real life.

PE – If you can do some home exercise today, please have a go at some.

Here is a video I recommend