Ethos and Values

The Best For Every Child – A Unique Child of God
Governors, staff, parents and children are committed to providing the best education for each child. We feel that this statement encapsulates what Holy Trinity is about. We seek to provide the best education and experience of life for each child according to their individual needs and aspirations.
The Mission statement is expressed in the context of the school aims – detailed below:
Aims of Our School
- To provide a happy, safe, secure, Christian environment in line with “Every Child Matters” in which the child can develop emotionally, intellectually, physically, socially and spiritually.
- To provide a broad, balanced, interesting and challenging curriculum. To maximise each childs potential and their ability to work both independently and cooperatively. To value and promote equal opportunities.
- To foster positive relationships with both parents, the Church and the local community.
- By the time the children leave our school they should be numerate, literate, caring individuals who are confident about meeting the challenges of the next stages of their lives.