Cookridge Holy Trinity
Church of England (VA) Primary School

The Best For Every Child -
a Unique Child of God.

Green Lane, Cookridge Leeds, LS16 7EZ
Telephone: 0113 2253 040

Admission Arrangements

Cookridge Holy Trinity Primary School is a Church of England Voluntary Aided School and is run in accordance with the trust deeds of such an establishment.

The whole life of the school is based on Christian principles and those working there are motivated by a sense of Christian vocation.

Because Cookridge Holy Trinity is a Voluntary Aided school, the Governing Body are the “admissions authority”, that is the body legally responsible for admissions.

Parents who wish to apply for a school place mid-way through the school year will be asked to complete the In-Year Common Preference Form (ICPF) and the school’s Supplementary Information Form and will be given a copy of the school’s Admissions Policy, and the explanatory notes, “definitions and interpretation”. A preference form is available below, from the school or from the Local Authority and you will be notified by the school of the outcome of the


Reception 2025 Meetings

Tuesday 5th November at 4pm

Tuesday 12th November 9.15 am

Thursday 14th November 2pm

Tuesday 26th  November 9.15am