Year 5 Afternoon Spring 1 Week 1
Art – We will be looking at an artist named Peter Thorpe. He specialises in abstract art, particularly when looking at Earth and Space.
Your task is to:
- read through the PowerPoint Presentation on Peter Thorpe (found at the bottom of this page)
- make a rough design of a your own abstract space art, using the style of Peter Thorpe. (There is a planning sheet at the bottom of this page to help you if needed)
RE – Our Christian Value for this half term is Trust.
Please watch the following video – How does trust play a part in it?
There is also a PowerPoint Presentation to go through around Trust (found at the bottom of this page).
Your task is to either:
- Answer the questions on the Trust Sheet (found at the bottom of this page)
- Create a poster around trust (either on the computer or on paper.
- Create your own poem about trust (it does not have to rhyme).
Friday is our PE day so please make sure that you try and get some form of exercise. You can do whatever you like, there are some suggestions here (at the bottom of the page).