Our Vision for PE and Sports

This vision for PE at Cookridge Holy Trinity was discussed and created as a joint venture by the children, staff, parents/carers and governors. They are a joint effort to help improve physical and health education in lessons, around school and during extra-curricular activities for our children.
Vision – ‘The best Physical Education and School Sport for every child’
Healthy & Active Lifestyles
We aim to educate both adults and children to develop a greater understanding of the benefits of healthy living. Children need to practise skills on a daily basis to show commitment to keeping their bodies healthy and playing varied sports. This will promote long term healthy, active lifestyle choices. We wish to build knowledge, improve skills and deepen social wellbeing, as well as improving attitudes towards physical activity.
Competitive Opportunity – Sportsmanship, pride and enjoyment
Our aim is to nurture confident, resilient children who strive to achieve their potential through a wealth of competitive experiences. We will encourage a positive attitude towards winning and an accepting approach towards losing within a wide range of sports. Sportsmanship, trying your best and teamwork are all values regarded as highly as the ability to win sporting contests. This way everyone can celebrate varying sports, skills and success in themselves and others in school.
The school aims to encourage and celebrate achievement by our pupils outside of school, in order to promote participation in physical activity and sport.
We will provide, ‘opportunities for children to compete in a wide range of sports and other activities in order to build character and help to embed values such as fairness and respect.’
National Curriculum 2014
Physical Education
We will ensure that ‘pupils develop fundamental movement skills, become increasingly competent and confident and access a broad range of opportunities to extend their agility, balance and co-ordination, individually and with others.’ As pupils move into Key Stage 2 they will ‘continue to apply and develop a broader range of skills, learning how to use them in different ways and to link them to actions and sequences of movement.’
Through our PE lessons, we shall introduce our children to a wide range of skills, movements and sports, so that they become well rounded athletes, who feel confident enough to participate in a wide range of physical activities. We will promote health, fitness and physical education throughout the school, in many different ways.
At Cookridge Holy Trinity C of E Primary School, we will support the children in, ‘developing an understanding of how to improve in physical activities and sports and learn how to evaluate and recognise their own success.’
National Curriculum 2014